About Me
Hey Y'all! I'm Autumn Mooney, Founder and Owner of AAC&C.
Pronouns: She, Her, Hers. I am a Masters level therapist. I hold Licensure within the State of Colorado as a Licensed Professional Counselor and a Licensed Addictions Counselor. I am an EMDR Certified Therapist and EMDR Consultant in Training. Whether you are seeking individual therapy or consultation, my goal is to create a safe and productive place together. My specialty is with trauma/trauma-based disorders. I have experience working in a variety of settings such as Residential Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers, Intensive Outpatient Programs, Medicated Assisted Treatment Centers, and Community Mental Health Outpatient Settings. I have lived experience of building my own virtual private practice. I have studied under some of the most prestigious EMDR Trainers in the field such as: Rebecca Kase, Lori Perriera, Phil Manfield, Fansworth Lobbenstine, and Deany Laliotis. My specialty within EMDR is treating clients with dissociation or attachment issues. I have also worked extensively with clients also working within the healthcare field and/or who live with addiction, depression, anxiety, grief, relationship issues, co-dependency, and are facing life transitions. I can confidently say that working with me as a therapist or consultant, you will experience a well-rounded, informed, and humble clinician.